Very Basic Adoption Practice:
Simple Agency & Relative Adoptions
$210 – 6 TN CLE Credit Hours
including 1 hour of dual ethics credit
It feels so good to know exactly what you are doing.
Truly learn the fundamentals.
Who is a necessary party? What type of termination works best in various situations?
Very Basic Adoption Practice offers Dawn’s clear how-to guidance, and all the forms necessary, to represent petitioners in the two most common adoptions with consent, agency/DCS adoption and relative adoption. Cases without consent are not covered. While this seminar was designed for beginners it can also serve as a review of fundamentals for more experienced practitioners. We will also cover common ethical issues and when a beginner should get help. Expect to develop competence to represent clients in these two most common types of adoptions.
All necessary legal forms for the adoptions covered are provided as materials.
Testimonial from previous Good Law Adoption Seminar:
“Best CLE I have attended in 14 years of practice!! Clear, concise, entertaining, well organized and informative. This was worth every penny. Thank you!” – Andrea Rigdon