On Demand seminars are available only for the number of days specified on your order. You can watch as often as you like during that time.
Pause the video to take a break.
Rewind to watch a section again.
If you log out or time out of the video, note the time elapsed on the video to quickly return to the same spot when you log back in.
If you aren’t viewing immediately upon purchase, Log in to your Good Law Account, select Orders and a View option is listed under the the Order Detail Product information.
CLE Credit:
CLE credit is not generated automatically.
Submit the CLE form in the materials to with the number of hours attended and the answer to the question at the end of the presentation.
If that email is received within 30 days of purchase, we will submit your CLE credit and pay the CLE fee.
After 30 days post-purchase, credit submission and CLE fees will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
Do not neglect or delay this step for CLE credit.